The montage illustrates that the space is primarily experience through use and interaction, improving the quality of space by using the elements of an interior such as texture, forms, lighting that enhances the atmosphere and experience of space. These elements and features within a space, could subconsciously prompt users to interact with the space. Therefore, shaping their experience of space through their personal interaction with it. 

A theoretical framework that ground this conceptual idea and approach would be Species of Spaces and other by Georges Perec. Specifically, a
french novelist that discusses the interior space of domestic, and provides a different reading of it. Perec unveils a different way of looking at interiors, archtiecture and the built environment.

With the conceptual interest in human characteristics in mind, the consistent approach throughout the projects would be use the general principle of interior design to enhance the experience of the space for the users. A structural form that creates a space to implement a function, while the characteristics of the users leads to their own identification of space. The form or spatial design must be comfortable and sensitive the needs of the users.
Design Framework

Design Framework

Collage represents conceptual design framework carried out throughout the projects
